
Elevating a Luxury Beauty Product Showcase with Bespoke Packaging Design

B Corp certified Orean Personal Care is an award-winning beauty formulator and manufacturer, with sites in the UK and US.

We’ve supplied them with a number of bespoke packaging solutions for their various product ranges since 2011.

Most recently, Orean asked us to develop a branded and bespoke box for the second iteration of their ‘Innovation Kit’. Housing different Orean products (of all shapes and sizes), the kit’s primary use is to showcase products and support new product development discussions.

The Project


Over 300 Innovation Kits were needed in time for Cosmoprof Las Vegas 2024.

The event took place in July, so it was all-systems go to get this branded packaging project from concept to hundreds of finished units!

A Greyhound Box corrugated cardboard box with a bespoke ‘Orean’ branded design

Greyhound Box continue to design and supply us with tailor-made packaging solutions that meet our every intricate detail and demand.

Amy Calvert, Marketing Manager at Orean

An open, self-locking Greyhound Box corrugated cardboard box with bespoke internal fitments for Orean

The Bespoke Packaging Brief

Orean’s Innovation Kit box needed:

  1. To house 12 luxury beauty products and samples of different measurements
  2. Branding that reflected both Orean and the kit’s theme of new textures for popular skincare products
  3. A resilient yet lightweight and minimalist finish
  4. To protect the products inside and reduce the risk of damage
  5. Sustainability at its core

Over to our design team to develop a bespoke Orean packaging concept to meet the criteria. All without compromising the desired sleek and luxury finish!

When Minimalism Meets Strength


The majority of the 12 beauty products and samples to sit inside the box were made of fragile materials, like glass. As such, it was imperative the package had strength and resilience.

Yet as a renowned player in the luxury beauty market, we were under strict instruction not to compromise the opulence of the Orean brand!

Enter one of the most versatile corrugated cardboard materials, the slim profile E flute. At just 1.5mm thick, the board is thin enough to provide that lightweight look and feel, but sturdy enough to retain its shape to protect the products it houses.

What’s more, this flute profile is perfectly suited to more intricate designs, like this particular Orean packaging project. We used the flute to develop the main body of the box – a standard FECO 0427 presentation design.

A close up of the bespoke internal fitments of a branded Orean box

We’re particularly pleased with the bespoke fitments inside this Innovation Kit.

Not only do they keep Orean products secure, but they have a smart and clean aesthetic, too.

Amy Calvert, Marketing Manager at Orean

Bespoke Design for Orean Packaging


With the structure of the Orean packaging sorted, our design team turned their focus to the beauty products that would sit inside.

Given the variety in shapes, sizes, and containers themselves, we engineered a completely bespoke and made-to-measure internal fitment to keep the products in place. Our Baysek die-cutting machine carved the corrugated fitments out of the same E flute with absolute precision, to give a neat and clean finish in line with Orean’s brand.

Due to our experience in crafting sustainable packaging solutions, we were able to ensure the internal fitments could be fastened within the package without the need for any adhesive at all!

Using the rigid nature of the board grade to our advantage, the internal fitments have just enough room to slot into place and enough grip to remain there, even when the products are in-tact.

Side view of a Greyhound Box corrugated cardboard box with a bespoke ‘Orean’ branded design
An open Greyhound Box corrugated cardboard box with bespoke internal fitments for Orean

Minimalist & Branded Orean Packaging

Next came the pièce de résistance – branding the Orean packaging design.

A side view of a Greyhound Box corrugated cardboard box with a bespoke branded design

We used a water-based black into to print Orean’s logo, slogan, and contact details onto the package’s numerous faces.

Our TCY flexo printing machine lends itself perfectly to the uncoated FEFCO 0427 box style, producing an exceptionally clean, printed finish.

Less is more as the image above shows!

Crafting Bespoke Orean Packaging


To bring all the elements of this luxury branded packaging design together, we sent the flat, printed corrugated cardboard plan to our Baysek die-cutting machine.

The nature of this technology means we can produce boxes that don’t require an adhesive to seal them. The die-cutting machine carves the necessary flaps and holes into the cardboard so the package can self-seal.

Not only does this meet Orean’s aim of a sustainability-centric design, but it enhances the box’s clean, sleek aesthetic. And that perfectly aligns with the luxury beauty supplier’s reputation.

Side Project: The Survival Kit


Yet that wasn’t our only involvement with Orean’s packaging this year. The beauty supplier was also taking a ‘Survival Kit’ to the show in Vegas.

We created small carton to store three items: a lip balm, an eye cream, and a face and body mist. The package features a distinctive camouflage pattern to complement the ‘survival kit’ theme.

What’s more, it’s self-locking, eradicating the need for any additional seals. When it reaches the hands of the consumer, the carton satisfyingly snaps open to reveal the three skincare products. The beauty of this seal style is it can be refastened and reopened multiple times – a new meaning of ‘survival of the fittest’!

Like the Innovation Kit, Orean’s sleek, black branding was printed directly onto the carton to ensure recognition at the event.

An open camouflage carton for Orean’s ‘Survival Kit’ beauty packaging featuring a self-locking, bespoke box design
The back of a camouflage carton for Orean’s ‘Survival Kit’ featuring a self-locking, bespoke packaging design

Both the Innovation Kit box and Survival Kit carton were well-received at Cosmoprof, and we’re looking forward to the packaging innovation Greyhound Box will support us with next!

Amy Calvert, Marketing Manager at Orean

The front of the camouflage carton for Orean’s ‘Survival Kit’ featuring a self-locking, bespoke packaging design

The Future of Orean’s Innovation Kit Packaging


The 330-strong cohort of these Orean branded Innovation Kits were shipped to the US in good time for Cosmoprof North America Las Vegas 2024, alongside over 1,000 of the Survival Kits. We’re looking forward to what our next collaboration with the beauty manufacturer holds!

Fancy seeing your brand on a minimalist yet resilient package? Contact our team to get started!

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Discuss your requirements

If you have any packaging requirements or a project you would like to discuss with us, please send us a message. We would love to hear from you.