2 May

How to Use Packaging to Make a Premium Furniture Shopping Experience

When dispatching premium furniture, you want to be assured it gets from A to B in one piece. Because furniture is such a large investment, the packaging should match the quality of the product. With statement furnishings, curved accessories and fragile natural materials being on trend for 2023, you want to ensure they get to your customer free of damage. A well-crafted piece of furniture requires well-crafted packaging, and we can help.

Why You Need Quality, Bespoke Packaging

We all know how long it can take for furniture to be delivered. It can range from weeks to months. So, imagine the frustration when a customer’s new sofa finally arrives, only for the side to be ripped because of inadequate packaging! It’s not always your fault when furniture is delivered damaged, but you want to minimise that chance of it happening as much as possible. You can do this by investing in the right bespoke packaging for your product.

The benefits of furniture being well-packaged are endless!

  1. Premium packaging can help expand the lifespan of your product by finding the right solutions for each specific piece of furniture. From wood dining tables to curvy velvet armchairs, furniture comes in all shapes and sizes which require their own packaging solutions.
  2. Good packaging also keeps furniture clean, which is always beneficial for first impressions with customers.
  3. Unboxing furniture should be easy! Packaging should have a luxurious feel that doesn’t need to be ripped apart, causing a mess. If you’re battling with cutting tools to get through the packaging, you’re increasing the risk of damage before you’ve even got to the good part – the furniture!
  4. Overall, it looks professional. Quality packaging gives you a competitive edge and shows that you care about your furniture. Which always goes down well with customers!

All the reasons above are why you should invest in bespoke packaging for furniture shipping. With furniture being an expensive investment, the packaging should match the quality of the product. It’s a package deal – if you’ll excuse the pun.

Furniture Packaging from Greyhound Box

As with anything, the best type of packaging will depend on the product itself. That’s why we have a whole range of options available that can help you with your premium furniture needs!

  • Packaging Paper

Our packaging paper is great for wrapping around smaller and more delicate items to keep parcels safe and secure in transit. It’s also great at filling any voids to prevent any breakage that could occur.

  • Bubble and Plastic Wrap

Bubble and plastic wrap have always been among the most sought-after protective materials for furniture shipping because of their versatility and security. We only offer plastic wrap options that are at least 30% recycled. By using more recycled plastics, you divert a lot of virgin plastic from unnecessarily going to landfills. It also helps reduce your plastic packaging tax too!

  • Corrugated Cardboard

Our corrugated cardboard can be used to fit closely around irregularly shaped products. With notoriously difficult-to-pack curved furnishings being on trend for 2023, these can really help. It’s made from a minimum of three layers, with a flute filling the inner and outer layers to ensure maximum protection of fragile objects. The corrugated nature of the cardboard provides the end packaging solution with strength that withstands more wear and tear, making it better at protecting your furniture.

Premium Packaging with a Sustainable Focus

We like to think outside the box when it comes to the sustainability of our products. Nowadays, being premium and eco-friendly go hand in hand. We know there isn’t a need for tonnes of plastic to ensure maximum protection. We have lots of options available with our paper wrap, corrugated cardboard, and paper packaging tape – all of which are fully recyclable.

Our technical and design team can perform a packaging review to help you make better packaging choices for all types of furniture. If you’re looking to improve your current delivery process, we can help with a packaging refresh to help become more efficient. Or, if you’re concerned about waste, we can help you create premium, bespoke packaging by eliminating the need for excess materials and virgin plastic content.

To see how you can protect your furniture with premium, eco-friendly packaging, get in touch with our team!

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Discuss your requirements

If you have any packaging requirements or a project you would like to discuss with us, please send us a message. We would love to hear from you.