Sustainable Packaging

Built for Tomorrow

Manufacturing Eco-Packaging

The packaging industry has experienced a significant shift as net-zero targets grow closer and consumer attitudes adapt to prioritise eco-conscious consumption. The era of single-use packaging and excessive plastic use is coming to an end, and it is making way for sustainably produced packaging.

Businesses across all industries are placing a greater prioritisation on sustainable packaging, and the team at Greyhound Box are enabling businesses to make the transition.


Stacks of Cardboard Boxes

Sustainable Packaging Innovation

At Greyhound Box, we recognise our responsibility to protect the planet, and we are committed to elevating our business practices to lessen our environmental impact. We leverage our internal expertise to curate packaging that is efficient both from a production and supply chain standpoint.

Our distinctive approach to innovation means we can design bespoke packaging optimised to limit waste in all aspects. Whether that is removing unnecessary ancillaries like bubble wrap or reducing the cardboard box size to only what’s needed, we pride ourselves on lessening both material and carbon waste.


Stacks of Cardboard Boxes
Bespoke Cardboard Box

Our Sustainable Practices

Greyhound Box Team Operating Machinery

Driving Sustainable Change

Through the SME Climate Hub, we have pledged to be net-zero by 2040. To achieve this goal, we have implemented an array of objectives and practices that will elevate our ability to deliver sustainable packaging. Some objectives that are being applied include:

  • Reducing use (CuM) of water by 0.1%
  • Reducing electricity usage by 10%
  • Ensuring responsible disposal of wastewater
  • Promoting recycling and zero-waste lifestyle

Each one of these practices lowers the environmental footprint associated with the production of our cardboard boxes.


Cardboard Box with Green Design

Responsible Materials Sourcing

All our materials are sourced with sustainability in mind. To demonstrate this, Greyhound Box has now proudly been awarded the Chain of Custody Certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The certification gives assurance to each of our clients that the cardboard used in their box creation is sourced from responsibly-managed forests.

Brown Tape for Printed Packaging

Incorporating Eco-Alternatives

For those of our clients that require ancillaries like tape or bubble wrap, we have expanded our product portfolio to include items that are more environmentally-friendly. For example, our portfolio includes kraft paper tape which is an amazing alternative to standard tape – without the plastic composition. Due to the paper-based nature of the tape, it is more easily recycled when disposed of with a cardboard box. To add to this, for clients’ branded boxes, we utilise water-based inks harmful solvents from the production process.

Embracing Sustainability in Your Packaging

Our bespoke packaging design capabilities enable us to enhance the sustainable credentials of our tailored boxes. Through a consultative approach that really gets to know your production process and product line, we curate sustainable packaging that is truly fit-for-purpose. Utilising the exact measurements of your products and applying CAD technology, we design bespoke packaging that perfectly fits your products. Using both an optimally sized outer box and the incorporation of cardboard inserts that act as a replacement for traditional plastic ancillaries, we are able to significantly improve packaging sustainability. The exact sizing of the boxes means that more can be placed onto one pallet or van per journey, helping to lower the carbon footprint associated with transportation. It’s not just the one journey where sustainability is considered either, our packaging can be built for reusability, with specific components that allow users to repack and reuse one package to avoid unnecessary waste along the supply chain.

Uncover how you can implement sustainable packaging in your business.

Photo of bespoke corrugated cardboard box for TechVision to house their Sound Bathe system

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