Machinery Packaging

Protective Packaging, Engineered to Last

Smart Packaging for Smart Machinery

Machinery manufacturing is a thriving and constantly evolving sector that continues to develop new solutions for an array of industries. A key feature of the industry is the creation of highly complex products, many of which are customised to client requirements. The pressure to create personalised machinery leads to small batch production where leanness is harder to obtain, and therefore manufacturers seek any opportunity to boost productivity.

Our packaging is built for you.

Delivering Enhanced Efficiency

Greyhound Box has established a reputation for curating bespoke cardboard packaging that fits our clients’ machinery products perfectly. Our team of expert designers build unique machinery packaging based on the exact measurements and demands of your products. After extensively reviewing your range of goods at your manufacturing facility, we get to grips with the demands of your packaging from a product protection perspective alongside your packaging line demands.

The way in which we approach machinery packaging design incorporates the packing phase of your production line to boost efficiency by saving time and materials. Utilising optimal sizing and incorporating bespoke fitments that wrap and hold your product effortlessly, your team will be able to boost the time to pack, without the need for additional materials such as bubble wrap or tape.

Machinery Manufacturing
Machinery Manufacturing

Packaging, Built to Protect

We never deliver bulky, oversized packaging where the likelihood of damage to your product is a certain eventuality. Greyhound Box tailors packaging to your products, securing every component to ensure no movement across your supply chain.

Utilising the latest technology in CAD design and the exact measurements of your machinery equipment, we build cardboard boxes that do so much more. Our packaging solutions contain:

  • Multi-option fitments to secure a range of unique equipment in one outer box size
  • Secure seals and closures built into the design to quickly and effectively pack
  • High-quality cardboard to withstand long-distance travel
  • Re-usable elements to operate a circular supply chain.
Bespoke packaging machinery

Committed to Sustainable Change

Through SME Climate Hub, Greyhound Box has pledged to be net-zero by 2040. We aim to leverage all our capabilities and knowledge to minimise our environmental impact, incorporating a detailed and actionable carbon reduction plan.

Aside from our internal practices, we look to support our clients with efficient packaging that aligns with their own sustainable agenda. By nature, manufacturing is a carbon-intensive industry, but packaging is an area where environmental gains can be made to lessen Scope 3 emissions. Our cardboard is FSC certified, which gives assurance that our materials are sourced from responsibly-managed forests, through world-leading sustainable forest management models.

Beyond this, our expertise in bespoke packaging design can be applied to reduce the impact of your machinery packaging. That’s from altering the sizing to be more space efficient to creating boxes that are self-sealing to increase their suitability for recycling. Compact packaging tailored to your products can dramatically reduce carbon emissions incurred during transportation.

Bespoke Cardboard Box

Tailor packaging to your machinery today!

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