Packaging Positive Change

As of January 2023, the percentage of consumers demanding sustainable packaging has risen again to 81%! And with the plastic packaging tax and the current climate crisis, prioritising sustainability should be at the top of your agenda.

Greyhound Box can power your sustainable packaging!

Suma food and beverage packaging with turquoise branded details

Our Sustainability Approach

The superior integrity of our sustainable packaging can help you significantly: 

  Eliminate waste 

Decrease transport and shipping costs 

Improve sustainability credentials 

Meet consumer demand  

Reduce carbon footprints and environmental impact 

This can all be achieved throughout the entirety of your supply chain, using as few materials as possible. 

Unpack Sustainable Packaging, Today!

Sustainable Packaging Innovators

As the industry adapts and paves the way for sustainability, we need to make sure every aspect is included in the journey. 

  • Are you looking to reduce your carbon footprint and environmental impact? 
  • Do you want to decrease the amount of waste you produce? 
  • Are you wanting to cut down on operational and shipping costs? 

With endless advantages, the transition to sustainable packaging is the only solution. 

EcoTape stacked up neatly.

Our Accreditations

We recognise that as a business our sustainability focus needs to encompass all aspects of our operation. To address our environmental impact and achieve our sustainable goals, we must take a far-reaching and proactive approach to truly have the most positive impact we can. To manage our environmental responsibilities in the most effective manner, our company has been accredited with ISO 14001. ISO 14001 is a criteria for environmental management and sets out a framework to ensure our impact is being accurately measured with an effective improvement plan in place.


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